


1-axis controller ERC VERSION 4

Service-Tool V3.3 and Firmware 3.9

Rotor-Control M V1.7


1-axis controller ERC-Mini

Service-Tool V1.1 und Firmware 1.4

Rotor-Control G V1.0


2-axis controller ERC-M

Service-Tool V3.3 and Firmware 3.9

Rotor-Control M V1.7


2-axis controller ERC-DUO

ServiceTool-DUO V1.1 and Firmware 1.0

RotorControl-DUO V1.1


1-axis controller ERC Version 2/3 (obsolete 2014)

Service-Tool V6.5 and Firmware 6.8

Service-Tool V6.3WS and Firmware V6.5
a special version for the blind operator with
audio-announcment and key-control


2-axis controller ERC-R (obsolete 2012)

Service-Tool V1.3 and Firmware 1.6

Rotor-Control V1.4


2-axis controller ERC-3D (obsolete 2011)

Service-Tool V2.2 and Firmware 2.4

Rotor-Control V1.4


Procedure to install a new Service-Tool and a new Firmware :

  1. Install the new Service-Tool
  2. Start the new Service-Tool and load the new Firmware onto the ERC
    for ERC-M: make the Firmware-upload by USB or RS232, not by LAN
  3. Make a new Calibration